July 30th Linkyyy Partyyy!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012 0 comments
It's Monday!!
 That means it's LINKY PARTY time!!!

Do you have an IPPITY project to share?

ANYONE can join in on the linky party!
Ippity Chicks AND Customers!


There's an IPPITY CHALLENGE going on!  
Be sure to click
the Challenge Tab above

to check it out!

Great chance to WIN 2 IPPITY Itty Bitties
of your choice!

Be sure to check in on WEDNESDAY... 
our FABULOUS Feature set is:

Locate an Ippity Chick!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Whew! We made it to FRIIIIDAYYY!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012 0 comments

Wanna WIN some IPPITY?
Don't forget the IPPITY challenge!
Just click the CHALLENGE TAB above!

Heather used the IPPITY set: 
Totally Happy 

Shilo used the IPPITY set:
Your Friendship, My Cup of Tea

Anita used the IPPITY set:
Kissmas & Mistletoe

Jen used the IPPITY set:
Pain & Pride

Julia used the IPPITY set:
Java Friend

Here's the UNITY weekend SALE info:

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!

Locate an Ippity Chick!

Fabulous Feature ~ Stitches of Buttons!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 0 comments
Time for the next FABULOUS FEATURE!

How about this cute IPPITY background:
Stitches of Buttons

Here are some samples made by the Chicks!
...click their names to be taken to their blogs...

So many ways to use this stamp!!

You can buy this set
 (and many other FABULOUS Ippity sets)
 from any of our Amazing Ippity Chicks
by clicking here!

Did you know you can order 
Unity stamps and Ippity stamps
 on the same order. 
Easy Peasy!!

 Fabulous Feature will be back 
NEXT Wednesday 
with a different set 
and Fabulous new projects!!

Don't forget to click on the Challenge tab above
to play along and WIN prizes!!

Have a great day!

Locate an Ippity Chick!

10 Lagu Mandarin Top [15 - 21 Juli 2012]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 0 comments
Top Ten Mandarin Minggu ini!

Tanda (+) : ranking naik dari minggu sebelumnya.
Tanda (-) : ranking turun dari minggu sebelumnya
Tanda (0) : ranking sama dengan minggu sebelumnya
Warna Biru : lagu baru yang masuk dalam chart

10. [丁噹 (Della)] :好難得 Hao Nan De (0)
9. [丁噹 (Della)] :一個人不可能 Yi Ge Ren Bu Ke Neng (0)

8. [李佳薇 (Li Jia Wei)] : 煎熬 Jian Ao (0)

7. [五月天 (Mayday)] : 我不願讓你一個人 Wo Bu Yuan Rang Ni Yi Ge Ren (-1)

6. [羅志祥 (Show Luo)] :不具名的悲傷 Bu Ju Ming De Bei Shang (-1)
5. [張芸京(Jing Chang)]  喂 對不起 Wei Dui Bu Qi (new)
4. [丁噹 (Della)] :不是你的錯 Bu Shi Ni De Chuo (0)

3. [黃美珍 (Jane)] :途中 Tu Zhong (-1)

2. [梁静茹(Fish Leong)] : 爱久见人心 Ai Jiu Jian Ren Xin (+1)

1. [陳芳語 (Kimberley)] : 愛你 Ai Wo (0) 
Selamat menikmati!

Sumber: KKBOX Taiwan

Dukungan Fans untuk Lala Hsu

Lala Hsu
Penyanyi Taiwan berbakat, Lala Hsu harus membatalkan berbagai aktivitas promosi album barunya. Lala sangat rajin menekuni dunia musik. Karena aktivitas menyanyinya yang begitu padat, tenggorokannya tidak mampu mengeluarkan suara. Dengan terpaksa, akhirnya ia membatalkan konser mini nya. Lala meminta maaf pada fans nya melalui sosial media. Fansnya sangat mendukung serta menyemangati Lala.

Yang mengejutkan adalah dalam waktu 3 jam, fans dari beberapa daerah di Asia berhasil membuat sebuah video untuk menyemangati idola mereka ini.
Lala yang menerima kado dari fans ini mengucapkan terima kasih serta akan merawat diri sebaik-baiknya agar bisa kembali bekerja, menyanyikan lagu untuk para fans.

sumber: qq.com

July 23rd Linky Linky Time!

Sunday, July 22, 2012 0 comments
It's Monday!!
 That means it's LINKY PARTY time!!!

Do you have an IPPITY project to share?

ANYONE can join in on the linky party!
Ippity Chicks AND Customers!


There's an IPPITY CHALLENGE going on!  
Be sure to click
the Challenge Tab above

to check it out!

Great chance to WIN 2 IPPITY Itty Bitties
of your choice!

Be sure to check in on WEDNESDAY... 
our FABULOUS Feature set is:

Locate an Ippity Chick!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday Ippity FAVES!!

Friday, July 20, 2012 0 comments
Another Long HOT week here!!!! 
Perfect for stamping LOL!!

I found some fabulous cards in the Splitcoast Gallery - Take a look!

Stacy used some fun paper and 
Ippity set Now and Always to create this fab card!!

Heather used Now and Always too!!
Gorgeous the way she lined up her layers!

And check out this gorgeous Christmas one from Anita
love that glitter!!!

Keep filling up the Splitcoast Gallery with your Ippity projects!!!

Don't forget there is an Ippity Challenge going on 
click the challenge tab above and YOU could win two Ippity itty bitty stamps :)

Have a GREAT stampy weekend!!

Fabulous Feature - Born in my Heart

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 0 comments
Today we are featuring a beautiful Ippity Set
Born in my Heart

The AMAZING Ippity Chicks 
have some great inspiration for you today!!

(click on each name to be taken to their blogs)




and one from me Rona

Aren't these all FABULOUS!!
I love seeing one set used so many cool and creative ways!!!

You can buy this set (and many other FABULOUS Ippity sets)
 from any of our Amazing Ippity Chicks by clicking here!

Did you know you can order 
Unity stamps and Ippity stamps on the same order. 
Easy Peasy!!

 Fabulous Feature will be back NEXT Wednesday with a new set and Fabulous new projects!!

Don't forget to click on the Challenge tab above to play along and WIN prizes!!

Happy Stamping :)


Tiffany SNSD Tampil Cute dalam Sesi Pemotretan


Salah seorang personil SNSD, Tiffany akan merayakan ulang tahunnya tanggal 1 Agustus mendatang. Saat ini, Tiffany mengikuti pemotretan untuk majalah <<CeCi>>. Tifanny tampil percaya diri dengan penampilan yang modern dan cute untuk menujukkan jati dirinya yang masih muda.
Aksesoris yang digunakan Tifanny dilelang di dunia maya. Hasil lelang tersebut akan disumbangkan ke organisasi perlindungan hewan untuk hewan-hewan terlantar.

sumber: qq.com

Show Luo Geram Digosipin Sekamar

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 0 comments
Dengan memakai kaos merah, Show Luo menghadiri amal dari iklan yang dibintanginya. Ia ditanyai mengenai rumor dari seorang gadis China yang mengaku pernah kencan dengan Show, serta menyebutkan bahwa Show memiliki sikap yang aneh di kamar. Tentu saja hal ini membuat Show geram.

"Pihak manajemen sudah menuntutnya, akan menuntutnya sampai perkara selesai. Benar-benar aneh. Kalau hari ini saya bukan seorang artis, sudah banyak kata-kata negatif yang saya keluarkan. Jangan hanya karena pernah melewati pintu, lalu menyatakan bahwa pernah masuk ke kamarku, menurut saya ini sangat keterlaluan."

Dalam acara amal ini, Show Luo juga bercerita "Papa saya meninggal karena kanker, saya sangat mengerti perasaan keluarga-keluarga ini. Semoga semuanya bisa merasakan cinta kasih dan mendapat bantuan dari banyak orang."

Ippity Monday - Linky

Monday, July 16, 2012 0 comments
It's Monday!!
 That means it's LINKY PARTY time!!!

Do you have an IPPITY project to share?

ANYONE can join in on the linky party!
Ippity Chicks AND Customers!


Don't forget to check back here on Wednesday!!
We have a new feature here on the Ippity Blog 
and you won't want to miss it!!

There's a new IPPITY CHALLENGE going on!  
Be sure to click
the Challenge Tab above

to check it out!

Great chance to WIN 2 IPPITY Itty Bitties
of your choice!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

10 Lagu Mandarin Top [8 - 14 Juli 2012]

Top Ten Mandarin Minggu ini!

Tanda (+) : ranking naik dari minggu sebelumnya.
Tanda (-) : ranking turun dari minggu sebelumnya
Tanda (0) : ranking sama dengan minggu sebelumnya
Warna Biru : lagu baru yang masuk dalam chart

10. [丁噹 (Della)] :好難得 Hao Nan De (-1)

9. [丁噹 (Della)] :一個人不可能 Yi Ge Ren Bu Ke Neng (-1)

8. [李佳薇 (Li Jia Wei)] : 煎熬 Jian Ao (-1)

7. [張芸京(Jing Chang)] :喘息 Chuan Xi (+11)

6. [五月天 (Mayday)] : 我不願讓你一個人 Wo Bu Yuan Rang Ni Yi Ge Ren (-1)

5. [羅志祥 (Show Luo)] :不具名的悲傷 Bu Ju Ming De Bei Shang (-1)

4. [丁噹 (Della)] :不是你的錯 Bu Shi Ni De Chuo (-1)

3. [梁静茹(Fish Leong)] : 爱久见人心 Ai Jiu Jian Ren Xin (new)

2. [黃美珍 (Jane)] :途中 Tu Zhong (+1)

1. [陳芳語 (Kimberley)] : 愛你 Ai Wo (0) 
Selamat menikmati!

Sumber: KKBOX Taiwan

SNSD Tampil Casual

Sunday, July 15, 2012 0 comments
Siapa yang tidak mengenal grup SNSD? Grup top Korea ini beranggotakan gadis-gadis muda yang selalu tampil enerjik dengan gerakan nari mereka.  SNSD memilih untuk tampil casual dalam sebuah pemotretan. Silakan cek foto-foto santai mereka di bawah ini:

There's a NEW Challenge!

There's a new IPPITY Challenge!

You could WIN two Itty Bitties of your choice!

Click the
for details!!

Locate an Ippity Chick!

Friday Ippity FAVES!!

Friday, July 13, 2012 0 comments
I found some Ippity FAVES pinned on Pinterest this week!!

Look at this

Barbara used Live half Full

Shelley used New Season New Wonder
Christine used Bloom and Simplify

Did you know there is a SALE in honor of Mr. Unity's birthday!!!
YIPPIE!!!!  ALL itty bitty stamps buy one - get one FREE!!
this includes ippity itty bitty stamps!!!


Have a GREAT stampy weekend!!
