Flirting tips are not going to help you if you can’t attract women to you in the first place. You can approach women easily, but if you’re not attracting them to you, you’re really not going to get very far when you start flirting with them. So what is it that guys who get tons of girls do? Here’s my tips on how to get women to flock to you.
Pay Attention To What Your Body Language Says To Girls

Make sure that your body language communicates that you’re a strong, confident man, who is also friendly and fun to hang out with. When you’re flirting with a woman, you want to make a lot of strong, masculine gestures and also make sure that you’re not stooping over – if you have poor posture, you’re not going to look confident at all. Make sure your facial expressions convey a happy, confident and fun to be around personality – if you’re scowling the whole time, no girl is going to want to approach you or carry on a conversation with you.
Have Friends That Are Also Confident And Fun To Be Around
Who your friends are and who is in your social circle really says a lot about you, especially to a woman. When choosing friends, know that your friends really show who you are, so you want to make sure that you and your friends have similar ideals. If you’re hanging around a bunch of bullies or jerks, girls are going to think that you’re a bully or a jerk, even if you’re not. Your friends should be just as nice and friendly to others as you are.
Learn To Love Yourself
Women want to be dating confident men – they don’t want to be dating a wuss. So you want to project an air of self confidence and to do that, you must truly learn to love yourself for who you really are. Know that each person is special and unique (including you) and each person has something they can offer other people that no one else can. Each person is an individual and no two people are exactly alike. Learn to love yourself and be confident in what YOU can offer, because it’s special!
How To Break The Ice
You’ve got the first five seconds down, but now you actually have to talk to her! What do you talk to her about? How can you break the ice without choking up?
Start flirting with her. Engage her in conversation. Start by asking her questions. Don’t just ask questions like, “What do you think about the crazy weather we’ve been having lately?” That’s lame. Ask her intellectual questions about her, things around you or things that matter to her. For example, ask her what she is passionate about. No, not what her hobbies are or what sports she plays. Ask her questions that really make her think, like, “What is it that makes you want to wake up every morning?”
Talk About Your Passions
While you definitely want to break the ice by asking her about her passions first, there’s probably going to be an opening at some point for you to talk about what drives you. Be honest with her and let her know what you truly love and what really makes you tick. Hopefully, you and her share some of the same passions or at least ones that are similar so you can start building some common ground, which is essential when you start dating someone.
However, you’re never going to know if you and a girl would really hit it off unless you’re completely honest about your passions and what you love, even though it makes you more vulnerable to rejection. When it comes to dating, women know that a man is risking rejection each time he is flirting with a girl or asks a woman out. You can really make a difference by revealing yourself to a girl, instead of trying to be the guy you think she wants.
Stay Positive
Girls always remember how they feel when they meet a guy. She may not remember exactly what he looks like or exactly what he said, but if he made her feel great, she’s going to remember him and either be waiting for his call or be dialing his digits herself. If a guy makes her feel amazing, she’s definitely going to want to be dating him.
If you make women feel great when they’re around you, they’re going to remember you and want to hang out with you even more. If you’re a downer while they’re around, or if you’re pessimistic or constantly complaining about things, a woman is going to want to run for the hills at the first chance she gets. Even if you’re nervous, focus on flirting with her and making her laugh. Smile, relax and remember to have fun. Show her a good time and make her feel like she’s the only girl in the room. If you do, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll score a date with her.
You’ve Got To Do More Than Talk
While you may be able to talk a good game, that’s not the only thing you have to do if you want to keep women you want to be dating coming back to you for more. Use body language and gestures to show a woman that you’re really interested in her. For example, you can look in her eyes just a few seconds longer than is comfortable and touch her arm while she’s talking to you or you’re talking to her.
If things are going really well between you and a girl, don’t be afraid to take it a step further. If you and her seem to be really hitting it off, don’t be afraid to take a risk and go in for a kiss. Even if you get rejected 10 times out of 11, all that really mattered was that you got 1 “Yes!”
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