- WHERE SHE GETS HER FABULOUS "NEWS-DO" DONE: Courtney Fortune, The Oak Creek Salon on S. 27th and Barrow.
- FAVORITE HAIR PRODUCTS: Tresemme! Ooh-la-la! My hair is so curly I have to manage the frizz!
- FAVORITE PLACE TO SHOP: Express and Target! But I've found some great deals on jackets at Goodwill, but I'd really like to raid Priscilla's closet! How many shoes do you have?! (Answer: Hehe, enough to have a shoe problem!)
- THE ITEMS IN ANGELA'S MAKE-UP BAG CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Lip gloss and powder, that's all I need!
- SHE NEVER LEAVES THE HOUSE WITHOUT: Cell phone, wallet, and Turner, let's shop!
- BEST FASHION ADVICE: Fit your body! I'm short with soccer legs! Skinny jeans are a no-no, but I love sundresses!
- BIGGEST FASHION "FAUX PAS": No comment! Haha, I don't want to offend anyone ;).
- ON DRESSING UP TURNER: Dresses and BIG Texas Bows! I love how babies look cute in everything!
- ON BALANCING MOTHERHOOD AND A CAREER: Luckily, Turner has always been a huge part of KTAB. She came in all the time, so I never feel like I am missing out on her.
- ON LOOKING AND FEELING FABULOUS: I am almost thirty, and have never felt better! Being a mom changes not just your life, but how you feel.
- BEST THING ABOUT ABILENE: The people. Everybody is so friendly! Plus great BBQ and Mexican food! And of course, KTAB News :).

(Angela's signature 'do! With Bob at the 2010 Ben Richey Boys' Ranch Telethon... I swear the side sweep is always perfect!)
Another thing I loved about Angela is how she sticks to her guns, as a journalist, as a person, and of course... a fashionista. She goes with what works for her. There's a long standing joke with many girls in news, we've all chopped our locks for the job, myself included... but Angela found a happy medium, and still kept some of the length. It always looks fabulous.
Aside from her fab 'do, another thing you'll notice about Angela over time is how she always has an awesome pedicure. Every time I've seen her in sandals, she's got a perfect "10." I guess you can say she's polished from head-to-toe!
But it's not just Angela anymore... when I came to Abilene in Fall 2008, Angela also announced she was expecting her first child!
(Remember this? Yes, she was pregnant! AND field anchoring)
I think I can speak for the 300,000+ people in our viewing area when I say, my jaw dropped when I saw Angela doing live shots in the freezing rain when she was pregnant with Turner. You won't believe the number of phone calls we got in the newsroom that day! She's a trooper, and to say the least, she did it in style in her red wool coat.

Once all the ice melted, and the flowers started to bloom, her beautiful girl, Turner Renee was born. We knew long before "Baby-T" was born that she would be a pretty girl and a sharp dresser just like Mom, but I think most of us girls really fell in love with Angela's baby when we saw all of her bows! Turner Renee is without a doubt, one of the best dressed babies I've ever seen. And in case you're wondering where all the cute outfits are from, here's a little secret: when Angela heard there might be a Children's Place coming to Abilene last year... I made some calls to the corporate office, and we verified it :).
(Mother and daughter, looking sharp in all kinds of weather!)
Needless to say, Angela is a woman who wears motherhood well. Balancing a career and family isn't easy for any woman, but she's got it down! That... and there's a good reason why she's on the board for the Sports and Fitness Expo... I've never seen a mother bounce back so quickly after having a baby! She trained like a champion, and got back to her old self quickly. Watching her encouraged many of us girls to hit the gym ourselves!
For the past month, Angela has done a series on people who've inspired her through her time here in the Big Country, but I think she's inspired quite a few herself, as a journalist, mother, sister, teacher, mentor, friend, and member of the Abilene community. Good luck in Fayetteville, Angela, and thank you for inspiring me.
Priscilla Luong thinks Abilene's loss is certainly Fayetteville's gain... but more importantly she thinks Angela's beautiful little girl needs an agent, "Baby-T" has some serious star quality. If you'd like to second that motion, e-mail Priscilla at pluong@ktab.tv.